Tuesday | Sivan 19 | 5703 |
Torah lessons: | Chumash: Sh'lach, Shlishi with Rashi. | |
Tehillim: 90-96. | ||
Tanya: Therefore, it was (p. 305)...Hava'ye is Elokim. (p. 307). |
In the month of Marcheshvan 5613 (1852) the Tzemach Tzedek started an additional program of study with my grandfather,1 besides the Tzemach Tzedek's regular studies. This was for two and a half hours daily, starting at 10:00 p.m. winters, and at 4:00 a.m. summers. For two years they studied Kabala with chassidic interpretation. Thereafter, until Elul 5616 (1856), when this special program ceased, they studied the following philosophical works: Those of R. Saadya Gaon, and Moreh Nevuchim, Ikarim, Kuzari, etc. - according to Chassidic teachings.
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