
Havdalah Questions and Answers

FAQ about the havdalah ceremony which marks the departure of Shabbat and Jewish holidays.

Why Do We Smell Aromatic Spices?
Learn some reasons you may have known, as well as some that are bound to surprise you.
What's the significance of the Havdalah ceremony?
That last bear hug is different than its predecessors. Whereas till now the cuddles and hugs assisted in cementing the relationship, the final embrace takes it one step further...
Why Look at Our Fingernails at Havdalah?
The basic reason is that one should be close enough to the flame's light to benefit from it.
Why Brush Havdalah Wine Over the Eyes (and Pockets)?
This custom, rich in meaning and tradition, follows the Havdalah ceremony that marks the end of Shabbat.
Why Do We Make a Blessing on Fire at Havdalah?
The story of the havdalah candle goes back to the very first Shabbat in history
Why Is Eating Melaveh Malkah Important?
The sages in the Talmud tell us to “always set the table after Shabbat even to eat small amount of food." Here's why.
Why Sing About Elijah After Shabbat?
What is the connection between Elijah the Prophet and Saturday night?
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