
Havdalah and the Conclusion of Shabbat

An in-depth look at the laws and customs associated with the havdalah ceremony as well as other Saturday night traditions.

What Is Havdalah?
Havdalah is Hebrew for “separation” and refers to the verbal declaration made at the end of Shabbat or a Jewish holiday, in which the holy day is separated from the mundane period that follows.
Havdalah Blessings and Instructions
What is Havdalah? ... When to Havdalah...The Ingredients... Recite the Introductory Verses ... Blessing on the Wine...Smell the Spices ... Look at the Light ... Say the Havdalah Blessing ... Wine & Wax...Farewell to the Queen
We sanctify the Shabbat by distinguishing it from the mundane weekdays which precede and follow it. When the Shabbat departs we bless the One who separates the Shabbat from the rest of the weekdays.
Till when can havdalah be said? What to do if you don't have wine. Why wine? The answers to these questions and more...
In the course of Havdalah we sniff at aromatic spices and gaze at a braided candle. What are the reasons for these practices, and how exactly are they done?
The entire Havdalah ceremony in detail.
Sometime on Saturday night it is customary to partake of a meal, called a Melaveh Malka, "Accompanying the [Shabbat] Queen," meal.
Holiday havdalah can be divided into two categories: 1) Havdalah recited at the conclusion of a holiday. 2) The special havdalah recited on a holiday which falls on Saturday night...
FAQ about the havdalah ceremony which marks the departure of Shabbat and Jewish holidays.
What to Expect at a Havdalah Ceremony
So you’ve been invited to a havdalah ceremony, and aren’t sure what to expect? Here’s what you need to know.
Take the Havdalah Quiz
Test your knowledge of a weekly Jewish ritual.
What Is Shavua Tov?
Shavua tov is Hebrew for “good week,” and it is the customary wish said on Saturday night after the conclusion of Shabbat.
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