
The Persecutions

Although hatred of the Jewish people had been a part of Christianity from its inception, the full virulence was not felt until the end of the 11th Century.
The Crusades set a dangerous precedent -- the rise of organized, popular, anti-Jewish uprisings.
As Christian commercial activity expanded in the Middle Ages, Jews were forced out of many occupations they previously engaged in, including crafts, trade, and international commerce.
10 Anti-Semitic Myths
In the Middle Ages, many delusional beliefs about Jews gripped the European masses, some of which were later modernized by the Nazis. There were at least 10 such superstitions, traces of which can still be found today.
In 1242, 24 wagonloads of Talmudic volumes were publicly burned in Paris. As each book was painstakingly handwritten and could not be easily replaced, it was a disaster of massive proportions for French Jewry.
In 1263, in the Spanish city of Barcelona, Ramban was ordered by King James I of Spain to debate publicly the Jewish religion with Church officials.

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