The Destruction of the Second Temple
Jewish society was splintered by groups that hated each other -- and even fought among themselves.
Instead of uniting to meet the common danger, the Jews splintered into factions that continually fought each other.
In 67 CE, the veteran Roman general Vespasian invaded Eretz Israel with four outstanding legions, including the X Legion, the most distinguished of all Roman legions.
On the 9th of Av, Tisha B'Av, the Romans entered the Bais Hamikdash, late in the afternoon setting it on fire.
To the roar of cheering crowds, the Jewish prisoners marched through the imperial city, bearing holy Temple vessels.
As important as the Masada events are in Jewish history, it is interesting to note that the entire episode is not recorded in Talmudic or Midrashic sources; instead, events are reported only in Josephus' narrative. Why did the sages not record it?
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- Destruction of Holy Temple (58)
- Jewish History (58)