It was now Friday night, Shabbos Bamidbar, Sivan 4 (May 28), and I took my usual stand behind the Rebbe’s chair for maariv.
After davening, the Rebbe gave us all a nice smile and wished us a “guten Shabbos.” I then immediately commenced singing a niggun. As usual, no one except Rabbi Shemtov and Tzvi Fisher helped me. We concluded with a joyful dance.
During kesser on Shabbos morning we all sang “hu Elokeinu,” with the Rebbe beating his podium with his fist as a sign of encouragement and participation. So I thought, well, the Rebbe has accepted the suggestions as outlined in my letter and we will be singing “ho’aderes” and “kailee atoh” on Yom Tov, too!
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