
Stories on Circumcision

The Nazi Accomplice in the Circumcision
The woman seemed oblivious to my words. "A knife," she repeated. "I must have a knife. Now. Before it is too late"
The Soviet Official’s Intoxicated Inspiration
As the crowd dispersed from around the child, the Soviet official suddenly awoke from his drunkenness, pointed, and asked, "Who is that holy man?"
The Sages in the Princess's Chamber
They had no other choice but to petition the emperor. However, that would place them in danger of being penalized even before reaching the emperor and presenting their petition.
A Brit in Roman Times
Many years ago, when the Roman empire included the Land of Israel, decrees against the Jews abounded. One such decree forbade the circumcision of Jewish boys. The punishment was severe for those who disobeyed.
Elijah and the Brit Milah
Throughout our long history the Jewish people have zealously guarded the mitzvah of circumcision, even during periods of religious rebellion and apostasy. Only once was there any weakness in the fulfillment of this mitzvah.
Cherished Heirloom: A Photo Essay
The 88-year-old outfit that quietly watches a family grow
Zaidy's mother kept this journal, documenting all sorts of things about his birth
The Secret Soviet Circumcision
Jews chose to either continue practicing in secret or simply surrender their heritage altogether.
Circumcision is the first commandment given by G-d to Abraham, the first Jew, and is central to Judaism.
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