
Candle Lighting Reflections

Women reflect on their experiences of lighting Shabbat and holiday candles

Just Coffee
A Shabbat Insight
Friday afternoon rolls around and I unplug my phones, shut down my computer and as I light the Shabbat candles and welcome the holy day of rest, I suddenly find myself connected...
Shalom Shabbat
In the endless conflict between earth and spirit, sheer weight often wins out. Shabbat is a reunion with our inner selves, a return to the primal oneness of our souls
Friday Night Lights
She strikes the match,
Her concentration as intense as the flame.
As the candle wicks flare
Her heart fills with joy.
A Trick of the Eye
Suddenly I saw a kaleidoscope-like view of all the individual candles, but they were no longer individuals. Each flame had burst into a circle of light, glowing within itself while extending outward...
It’s All in the Packaging
"Tell me honestly, don't you ever feel Orthodoxy is unfair in its treatment of women? Aren't the Rabbis degrading to women?"
My Mother’s Candle for Me
One of the lights Mother kindled each Friday night was for me. The full impact of this message did not occur to me until many years later...
The Towers of Light
Like many great feats, the towers didn’t go up easily. It was the culmination of decades of political wrangling and years of laborious construction.
Welcome to our candle-lighting section, where you will find the details and practicalities of lighting Shabbat candles, along with the meaning, spirituality and power of doing so . . .
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