Please print before Shabbos for reference.

Shabbos Morning Saturday

Finish eating your chametz before the cut-off time for eating chametz.

Then flush all remaining chametz away and recite the second kol chamira before the cut-off time for nullifying chametz.

You’ll find those cut-off times in this Zmanim table.

Say the second Kol Chamira 406
Mincha For Shabbos Erev Pesach
Korbanos 250
Ashrei/Uva L'Tziyon 253
Torah Reading 543
Amidah 260
Aleinu/Al Tira 267
Haggadah for Shabbos HaGadol 398
Order of the Pesach Offering 407
Maariv for the First Day of Pesach
Shir Hamaalos (gray box) 161-165
Yom Tov Amidah (VaTodienu) 331-337
Complete Hallel 307-311
Aleinu/Al Tira 174
Shacharis for the First Day of Pesach Sunday
Morning Blessings 5-9
Korbanos 12-25
Pesukei D’Zimrah 181-202
Blessings of Shema (gray box) 203
Continue Blessings of Shema 205-210
Yom Tov Amidah 331-337
Complete Hallel 307-311
Song of the Day 71
Torah Reading 496
Haftorah 497
Ashrei 232
Musaf 340-350
Begin reciting "Morid Hatal" for the summer.
Prayer for Dew 353
Omit both paragraphs beginning with "Baruch"
Ein Kelokeinu, Aleinu, Six Remembrances 242-247
Mincha for the First Day of Pesach
Korbanos 12-25
Ashrei-Uva LeTzion 253-255
Yom Tov Amidah 331-337
Aleinu/Al Tira 267
Maariv for the Second Day of Pesach
Shir Hama’alos (gray box) 161-165
Yom Tov Amidah 331-337
Complete Hallel 307-311
Counting the Omer (Day One) 136
Aleinu/Al Tira 174
Shacharis for the Second Day of Pesach Monday
Morning Blessings 5-9
Korbanos 12-25
Pesukei D’Zimrah 181-202
Blessings of Shema (gray box) 203
Continue Blessings of Shema 205-210
Yom Tov Amidah 331-337
Complete Hallel 307-311
Song of the Day 72
Torah Reading 498
Haftorah 501
Ashrei 232
Musaf 340-350
Ein Kelokeinu, Aleinu, Six Remembrances 242-247
Mincha for the Second Day of Pesach
Korbanos 12-25
Ashrei-Uva LeTzion 253-255
Yom Tov Amidah 331-337
Aleinu/Al Tira 267
Maariv for Motzei Yom Tov
Ve’hu Rachum 118-122
Amidah 123-131

Add the gray boxes on page 125 and 128.

Start the summer insertions on page 124 and 126.

Counting the Omer (Day 2) 136
Aleinu/Al Tira 134
Havdala 297

When making Havdalah following a Yom Tov that falls on a weekday, such as this year, we don’t make a blessing on the fragrant spices or on the flame.