Mincha For Erev Yom Tov Thursday
Korbanos 99
Ashrei 101
Amidah with gray box on page 108 103
Aleinu/Al Tira 116
Maariv for the First Day of Yom Tov Thursday
Shir Hamaalos (gray box) 161-165
Yom Tov Amidah with insertions for Pesach 331-337
Counting the Omer for Day Six 136
Aleinu/Al Tira 174
Shacharis for the First Day of Yom Tov Friday
Morning Blessings 5-9
Korbanos 12-25
Pesukei D’Zimrah 181-202
Blessings of Shema (gray box) 203
Continue Blessings of Shema 205-210
Yom Tov Amidah 331-337
Incomplete Hallel (because you omit the two paragraphs as indicated) 307-311
Song of the Day 74-75
Torah Reading 509
Haftorah 512
Ashrei 232
Musaf with inserts for last six days of Pesach 340-350
Ein Kelokeinu, Aleinu, Six Remembrances 242-247
Mincha for the First Day of Yom Tov Friday
Pasach Eliyahu (skip Hodu) 149
Korbanos 12-25
Ashrei-Uva LeTzion 253-255
Yom Tov Amidah 331-337
Aleinu/Al Tira 267
Maariv for the Second Day of Yom Tov (Shabbos) Friday
Note: Light candles befor the onset of Shabbos
Begin with Mizmor LeDavid 156
On the middle of 158, say "b’simcha" instead of "b’rina"
Yom Tov Amidah (with insertions for Shabbos and Pesach) 331-337
Counting the Omer for Day Seven 136
Aleinu/Al Tira 174
Shacharis for the Second Day of Yom Tov Shabbos
Morning Blessings 5-9
Korbanos 12-25
Pesukei D’Zimrah 181-202
Blessings of Shema (follow instructions for Shabbos) 203-210
Yom Tov Amidah with Insertions for Shabbos 331-337
Incomplete Hallel (because you omit the two paragraphs as indicated) 307-311
Song of the Day 218-219
Torah Reading 513
Haftorah 516
Yizkor 338
Note: Pledge a donation in memory of those you are saying Yizkor for, and make a mental note of how much.
Ashrei 232
Musaf with inserts for last six days of Pesach and Shabbos 340-350
Ein Kelokeinu, Aleinu, Six Remembrances 242-247
Mincha for the Second Day of Yom Tov Shabbos
Korbanos 12-25
Ashrei-Uva LeTzion 253-255
Torah Reading: first portion of the parshah of the first Shabbos after Pesach --
Yom Tov Amidah (with Shabbos insertions) 331-337
Aleinu/Al Tira 267
Seudas Moshiach. Wash for matzah before sunset. Drink four cups of wine. Talk about Moshiach. Sing nigunim.
Maariv After Yom Tov
Ve’hu Rachum 118-122
Amidah 123-131
Note: Add the gray box on page 125.
Counting the Omer for Day Eight 136
Aleinu/Al Tira 174
Havdala 297
Note: Omit blessings on Besamim and Aish.
Thank you to Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein for concept and data.