
Faith; Belief in G-d

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Beyond Belief
We’re used to thinking of faith as a strategy for people who can’t think for themselves...
Hasn't belief in G-d caused as much evil as good? If G-d knows best, what's the point of prayer? How can we have "free choice" if G-d already knows what we're going to do? Do (Normal) Jews believe in prophesy? Are we supposed to be afraid of G-d?
Explore the essence of faith
Must we accept belief in G-d blindly? What role does faith play in a modern day world? Discover how to bring the G-dly back into a G-dless society and communicate faith in the face of adversity.
Psychotropics are not enough. Anxiety can be overcome only with a deep and mighty sense of faith.
With all the tragedy and suffering in the world, how am I supposed to believe? I would like to feel faith, but it doesn't come...
Trust's Healing Touch
In this new four-part course, discover the profound teachings of 'Chovos HaLevavos', an ancient text that will take us on a journey into the heart of trust in G-d. Uncover the art of cultivating trust as a skill, explore the nuances of building meaningful...
Keeping your head, your heart, and your feet all on the same road.
It is a pain we must feel, a pain that must be healed, until we have healed humanity itself. Until no such tragedy could ever happen again.
A webinar exploring a powerful letter from R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi on higher consciousness.
A webinar exploring a powerful letter from R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi on higher consciousness.
Does faith ever make you uncomfortable? Rabbi Manis Friedman tackles all this head-on and addresses the fundamental beliefs and ideas of Judaism.
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