Shabbat | Nissan 5 | 5703 |
Torah lessons: | Chumash: Tazria, Shevi'i with Rashi. | |
Tehillim: 29-34. | ||
Tanya: Ch. 40. However (p. 197)...discussed at length. (p. 201). |
In Birkat Hamazon, in Retzei (p. 91), say baal hayeshuot ("b" in the first word) u'vaal hanechamot ("v" in the second word).
My grandfather commented on the saying, "The place of man does not honor him; rather man honors his place."1 The term, kavod, "honor," has two implications. One is kaveid, "liver," as the Torah says,2 "Pharaoh's heart is kaveid ("heavy"), and the Sages comment, "His heart became like a liver," (cold, insensitive). The other meaning is kavod, "honor," signifying the revelation of a supernal encompassing illumination.
"The place of man does not honor him": Place (and circumstances) do not make him cold and insensitive.3 Rather, "Man honors his place," man has the capacity and the power to illuminate4 his environment ("place") with the light of Torah and avoda.
When the soul descends into the body, it is administered an oath to be a tzadik,5 This oath, sh'vua, implies sova, "satiety"; the person is generously endowed with eminent powers to be able to fulfill G‑d's intention in having the soul descend (into the material world). And just as it is with the soul's descent, so is it also with every person, in whatever place he may be.6
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