Free translation from a talk of the Rebbe, Shabbat Parshat Chaye Sarah, 5747 (1986), (excerpt)
One who is sent to a particular place with a job to fulfill, may approach his work in different ways.
There are those communal workers (rabbis) who upon arriving in a new place proceed to deliver emotional, dynamic sermons on the general universal condition of the Jewish people and the global problems facing society. They stress that the world faces terrible crises and we must save the world. To accomplish this goal meetings must be convened and committees must be formed. He then concludes with the plea that a particular institution, its teachers and students, must be helped. He begins with the universe and the total Jewish nation and then works his way to the help needed for individuals.
Our Nasi’s Shluchim follow a different route. Since he was sent to do a job in a particular place, he must begin by speaking individually with the inhabitants of that place, and he informs them that he is there to work with them and for them. He wants to help them improve their Yiddishkeit, justice and righteousness. His help is extended to them, their spouses, children, friends, etc., and even to the non-Jewish inhabitants of the area. Therefore he approaches them to help establish an educational facility which will benefit them and their community and which they will be part of, and which they must help along.
When Torah and righteousness are enhanced in this place it will also assist the general Jewish community at large — and ultimately bring the redemption.
But the first job of the Shaliach is to devote all his efforts, and to work with all his power, with the local people, to awaken an interest among the indigenous population to improve their own level of Yiddishkeit. It is in his “hometown” that he must find success and disseminate Yiddishkeit, Chassidus, righteousness and nobility.
As a fringe benefit, the Shaliach knows that his actions and accomplishments will also be added to help bring Mashiach. But this universal thought must not interfere with his dedication at the time of his involvement in his work. This approach will bring unexpected success, infinitely greater than the other way, as we have seen in reality.
How do we bring the redemption for the Jewish nation? When every Shaliach will go back to his “far away corner,” the “little city,” and devote himself totally and enthusiastically to acts which spread Yiddishkeit among the people of that place. When he will be successful there his success will be added to the accomplishments of other Shluchim worldwide and bring Mashiach. After all, the whole Jewish people is made up of individuals, and the whole world is made of many far away places!
On the other hand, if he will be concerned only with generalities and the ultimate redemption, and fail to pay attention to the present needs of the local individuals — he will not be able to save the world — for the larger community is composed of the individuals.
This same philosophy also holds true when we analyze the goal and purpose of the soul’s descent into the physical body. The odyssey of the soul is also a Shlichus, a mission, to serve G‑d through the observance of Torah and mitzvos.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, created a world which is composed of many units, parts and particles, of which nothing was created in vain, and every particle and detail contributes something which the other parts lack. Their individuality cannot be interchanged. Furthermore:
All that the Holy One, Blessed be He, created in His world, He created solely for His glory.... (Avos 6:11)
Each being that exists expresses the glory of G‑d in its own unique way. When an individual in some distant corner of the globe takes a glass of water and recites the blessing, he glorifies G‑d in a special way and it effects the same “storm” as an act which more overtly influences the whole world.
Similarly, every Jew as an individual is required to fulfill all the mitzvos, because each Jew has a unique mission which cannot be fulfilled by another. When all the accomplishments of all the individuals are combined we attain the true fulfillment and perfection.
The emissaries of the Nasi must see their role in the same light. A Shaliach who finds himself in a distant corner of the world should not be upset or downhearted. Although he is involved in seemingly petty matters of Yiddishkeit such as teaching small children aleph-bais or encouraging a woman to light Shabbos candles, how to conduct a Jewish home and raise her children, he must not see these matters as insignificant. For, on the contrary, only through these daily, domestic deeds and simple acts of men and women and their families — activities done without much fanfare — only there you will find the true Divine interest and intention. There G‑d’s honor will be expressed, in a manner not possible through any other medium.
When an ambassador carries out his mission in his place and with the inhabitants of that place, that accomplishment, in cooperation with others — will speed the salvation of the Jewish people and the true and complete redemption.
It is therefore a satisfying and delightful event when the Shluchim from many different cities and towns gather for a convention, and each one can encourage and influence his colleague in a manner that: “Each one shall aid his fellow, and...say, ‘Strengthen yourself’.”
Since the emissaries represent their respective communities, by coming together they create an immense community of Jews. This in turn increases the powers of the individual Shluchim. So that, when they return home they will carry with them increased knowledge, encouragement and enthusiasm, and the strength to carry out their mission of holiness in the daily “mundane” aspects of life in an ever increasing measure, and thereby increase the glory of the Holy One, Blessed be He.
From this will emerge a resultant succor for the Jewish people and the ultimate conquest of the world through righteousness, uprightness and knowledge of the Divine, and especially among Jews, with Torah and mitzvos and the fountains of Chassidus.
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