1. Tonight begins the fifteenth of Teves, the day on which “the moon shines in its fullness.” Accordingly, we can understand that on this day, all the aspects of the month are revealed in a complete fashion.
The unique quality of the month of Teves is expressed by our Sages who described it as “the month when the body derives pleasure from the body.” In the previous sichah (Tenth of Teves), it was explained that, in an ultimate sense, this refers to the pleasure that our bodies will derive from the Divine equivalent of the body after completing the service of refining the lowest elements of existence. This level is revealed on the 15th of the month in a complete manner.
An added dimension is added this year when the 15th of Teves falls on Friday, the day on which the work of creation was completed. Thus, we find that the expression “And G‑d saw that it was good” was repeated twice on Friday, once for Friday itself, and once for the entire creation.1 Similarly, our Sages described the sixth day as the day when “everything was prepared for the feast.” This refers to a feast in both a physical and spiritual context. Our Sages also associate the sixth day with the sixth of Sivan, the day on which the Torah was given. The Torah is “the Torah of truth,” which reveals the truth in every aspect of the creation and thus brings the creation to its ultimate fulfillment.2
This ultimate fulfillment will be revealed after the Messianic redemption. Then, we will see how “all that He made is very good,” i.e., it will be apparent that not only the first millennia of creation which reflects the Sefirah of Kindness is good, but also the second millennia which reflects the Sefirah of Might is also “very good.”
This relates to this week’s Torah portion which begins, “And Yaakov lived in the land of Egypt.” Yaakov was able to live — in the full sense of the word as Torah defines it — not only in Eretz Yisrael, but even in Egypt, the lowest levels of this world. There, he spent 17 years, 17 being numerically equivalent to Tov, good.
Yaakov’s soul contained the entire Jewish people and thus, each Jew has a spark of Yaakov in his soul. This spark grants him the potential to “live” even when he is found in “Egypt,” in the midst of the exile. This is surely true at present when we are found in the last moments of the exile directly before the redemption. It is the sixth millennia, which is equivalent to Friday and it is already past midday. Furthermore, we are in the midst of a unique year, תש"נ, “a year of miracles.”
Thus, all the factors involved in the present day reflect a complete state. It is “a year of miracles” and “a month when the body derives pleasure from the body.” It is the 15th of the month, the night when the moon is full. The weekly Torah portion is parshas Vayechi and it is Friday, the day when the entire creation is brought to a complete state. Thus, we are prepared to proceed from parshas Vayechi to the Book of Shmos, the book which describes the Jews’ emergence from exile. Similarly, through the spreading of the wellsprings of Chassidus, we will soon “emerge from the exile with mercy.”
2. We are within 30 days of Yud Shevat. Hence, it is appropriate to mention the preparations to be made for that day. As has been the custom in the past years, the farbrengen associated with the Previous Rebbe’s yahrzeit will be held on the preceding Shabbos. Afterwards, on Sunday (as is customary) and on Monday (the day of the yahrzeit), I will go to the Previous Rebbe’s grave-site.
It is appropriate to use these days (the day before the yahrzeit and the day of the yahrzeit) for the spreading of the wellsprings of Chassidus outward. This should be done in a manner that reflects how, after forty years, we have been given, “a knowing heart, eyes that see, and ears that hear.”
In all places that it is possible to reach, we should repeat — at least one statement — of the Previous Rebbe’s teachings. In particular, emphasis should be placed on the maamar Basi LeGani which the Previous Rebbe released to be studied on Yud Shevat and/or his maamarim that deal with the weekly portion, Parshas Beshallach, which contains an allusion to the Messianic redemption. Similarly, emphasis should be placed on carrying out the Previous Rebbe’s directives.
In order that all the above be carried out in an ordered manner, a period of preparation is necessary where different approaches can be tried. This will ensure a greater measure of success. May these efforts bring about the era when, “those that lie in the dust will arise and sing,” with the Previous Rebbe among them. This will be accomplished by the service of Yosef, which is connected with Rachel’s prayer, “May G‑d add on to me another son,” explained by Chassidus to involve transforming those aspects of existence which are “other,” estranged from G‑dliness, into a son. This will herald the coming of the Messianic redemption which is connected with Yitzchok, the Previous Rebbe’s second name.
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