The above can be understood based on our Sages’ statement:1 “If Israel turns [to G‑d] in teshuvah, she will be redeemed. If not, she will not be redeemed.” For
“Israel will be redeemed solely through teshuvah.”2 From this it can be inferred that the requirement for the Jews to turn to G‑d in teshuvah [as a catalyst for the Redemption] applies in all instances. Even if they have not sinned or transgressed at all, teshuvah is required as a preparatory step for the
Redemption, for the matter is solely dependent on teshuvah.

It is necessary to understand: Why is it necessary for the Redemption to be preceded by teshuvah? If [the Jews] had sinned or transgressed, [obviously] teshuvah would be necessary. Since with regard to the Ultimate Future, it is written:30 “I will cause the spirit of impurity to depart from the earth,” it would be necessary that sin and transgression be nullified [through teshuvah] first. For [the absence of teshuvah] would enable the forces of evil to maintain a foothold within man’s thought, speech, and action.4 If, however, there are no sins, why is it necessary for teshuvah [to precede the Redemption]?


The maamar quotes statements from our Sages and Rabbis which imply that the Redemption is dependent on teshuvah and asks why this is so. Seemingly, the implication is that even if Israel does not sin, teshuvah will be required for the Redemption to become manifest.