An [even] deeper appreciation of the concept “This is not a common place” can be gained by prefacing two explanations of general scope with regard to the oneness of [the two names] Havayah and E-lohim, that “Havayah and E-lohim are truly one”:
a) The purpose of the name E-lohim itself (tzimtzum) is revelation. For the revelation of the name Havayah to be drawn down to [the material plane], the tzimtzum and concealment brought about by the name E-lohim [is necessary].1
b) The two names Havayah and E-lohim are both [merely] G‑d’s names; He transcends them both.2 It is only that He desired that His revelation be channeled through the two forms of infinity and finiteness (revelation and tzimtzum).
Accordingly, we can further explain why the tzimtzum itself does not represent a concealment for the Or Ein Sof (in addition to that which is explained in the discourses).3 Since even the tzimtzum [stemming from] the name E-lohim is one with Havayah, it is impossible that it conceal Havayah.
In light of the above, we can gain an even deeper conception of the expression, “This is not a common place:” that the place itself of the Beis HaMikdash is uncommon {and so too “The site of the Ark is not subject to measurement”}. [The above conception enables us to appreciate] that the revelation of the dimension that transcends space within space is an expression [of the nature] of space itself.4
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