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How can I inspire myself so that I will be more excited to do good things?
Question: When I started all this, I felt so excited about being Jewish and following all the laws, but now it is such a struggle and kind of feels like this heavy burden. Like a bunch of can't do this and that, and have to do this and this. But I also do...
Three Models for Living: Part 1
After the inspiration is gone, how do we keep ourselves motivated? The answer can be found in the first three portions of the Torah.
And maybe for me, my first “drug” of choice should be The Great One, eyes turned heavenward, knowing that He is what makes the chemical in the chocolate pick me up or, conversely, put me down . . .
She has a sign on her wall, much like The Writing on Wall saying (as she’s praying): This too shall pass
Rabbi, I appreciate your invitation to join your classes, but I just don’t have time in my life for spirituality right now . . .
Encountering my old friend, I saw that it wasn’t too late, that someone else could leave religious life and survive, even appear to thrive. So a new question arose in my mind: What is keeping me here?
Changing the world one song at a time
Shaindel’s rhythmic music appeals to women of all ages. But Shaindel has a special gift in her has resonance with teenage girls. “I really write and sing especially for them. I know that many teens think—everyone else is perfect, while my life doesn’t mak...
I remembered the good bye I had given my husband that morning: a garbled jumble of vowels, consonants and the last gulp of my coffee, a flick of my wrist as I picked up the baby, my bag, the garbage and then ran up the steps, leaving the door wide open be...
I find the swing from inspiration and proactivity to be a lifelong dance. For a stretch of time I devoted most of my day to Torah study, surrounded by mentors who spoke the message ofG-d’s unity through their teachings and their conduct. And then it was o...
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