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What are the Jewish preparations for moving into a new home?
Thinking of moving? Judaism offers insight on where to move, and there are several traditions and customs associated with new homes.
The Jewish home is a holy place and a mini-temple. You are its executive director. Here's how to make it even holier.
Abraham and Sara’s model house
The sages have taught that man without a house is incomplete. Discover the inner meaning of this cryptic teaching. Also, learn why the Metzora’s house in particular was afflicted with the discoloration of tzaraat.
The Power of the Jewish Home
At the 23rd anniversary of the University of Pittsubrgh Chabad House, Rabbi Manis Friedman expounds on the organization's motto: "The warmest place away from home." What is a home and why does having one touch us so deeply?
I never imagined that such a reductive view of my life’s stuff could so aptly tell the story of us, but in many ways it does . . .
She was about to move into an assisted living apartment. It was not something she was looking forward to. We knew that we had persuaded her to make the move . . .
Having the right focus
We are grownups, busy, efficient and productive, with many important lists on our planners. It’s hard for big people to enter that magical space, where time is suspended and birds are chirping...
As anyone who has experienced it knows, moving to a new home could be one of the most difficult things one ever does. Stress often reaches peak levels.
What with this and that, my roommate and I both decided it was time to move on. We have till the end of the month. Where will we go?
The Jewish home is indeed "a small Sanctuary." Like the Temple, it is a center for Torah, prayer and kindness...
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