
Sun; Sunlight

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Hi, I am curious to know if there is a Biblical source for the healing power of the sun? Answer: We know that Vitamin D is manufactured by the interaction between the skin and sunlight, and that the main role of vitamin D is to increase absorption of calc...
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 3
The sun and the moon as symbols for innovation and tradition. Should Judaism adapt with the times or resist the changes of modernity? Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 3)
Why do we chant the blessing only when the sun arrives at its point of origin? Why don't we bless G‑d for the sun every day?
Just as He placed the sun exactly where it needs to be-a little closer and our world would burn, a little further and we would freeze, so, too, He created each of us perfectly. Acceptance of our own essence is a hallmark of recovery.
In exactly one month from now, millions of Jews from all types of backgrounds and communities across the world will take to the streets to participate in a rare prayer service performed once every 28 years.
Is the light of the Chanukah menorah so faint that it can only illuminate its immediate vicinity? And as such must be lit after dark, and in direct proximity to the darkness it wishes to counteract?
Beneath us was a shadow of absolute blackness, but ahead was a fiery ball, a breathtaking combination of blood reds and seething oranges, casting lighter shades of pinks and mauves around the outward edges of its sphere...
The Logic of Faith
On closer inspection, it seems more akin to ecology than to ethical monotheism... yet this one elegant idea developed by a child some 3,800 years ago, has transformed the world forever
Twice Moses states in our Parshah that "there is none else"--that nothing exists aside from G-d. Are these just words, or do they mean something that we can understand?
The calendar is more than a measure of time; it is a cycle that charts our inner life and our relationship with our Creator.
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