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G‑d was looking for someone to lead His people. We know he chose Moses. The question is, why?
The Price of Leadership
A common denominator in all the explanations of the “Waters of Strife” incident is the implication that whatever the problem was, that wasn’t really the problem. Basically, G‑d is getting Moses on a technicality.
For an informed reading of Judges 11:1–33
Jephthah sent a message to the king of Ammon demanding an explanation for the ongoing terror.
Chur, Aaron, Moses – Three Styles of Leadership
Where was the Jewish leadership during the sin of the Golden Calf? Why were they not able to stop the sinning before it got out of hand?
Worship of Celebrity
Today's society reveres famous people just for being famous. What is the difference between celebrityhood and true leadership?
There are two different types of failed politicians.
Personal reflections on the Rebbe’s approach to leadership
Joseph Telushkin reflects on what we can all learn and apply in our own lives from various stories about the Rebbe’s unique approach to leadership.
G‑d commanded Moses to wage battle against the Midianites, after which he would pass away. But when it came time for Moses to forward the commandment to the Jewish people, the instruction went through some editing . . .
Rabbi Schapiro discusses the importance of everyone being a leader in furthering Judaism (addressing a group of Jewish lay leaders at the Chabad Emissaries Conference 2010).
Passover Leadership and Responsibility
Up until now, the Staff Sergeant had been dealing with us directly for over 18 hours a day. Now, things were changing. Tonight we were voting, by secret ballot, for our “leader” – the person who would represent us to the brass, the upper echelons of the m...
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