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Question: I’m confused. Was the Passover offering that we used to eat a lamb or a kid goat? Answer: It could be either. The Hebrew term used in the Torah is seh, and, as Rashi comments, this can mean either a lamb or a kid goat. The verse actually continu...
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 15, Vayeitzei sicha 4
Judaism can't only be about our own spiritual growth—a lesson from Yaakov’s preoccupation with sheep.
Judaism can't only be about our own spiritual growth—a lesson we from Yaakov and his sheep. (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 15 Vayeitzei, sicha 4)
Studying Tehillim: Chapter 119 (verses of Tav)
In exile, we are like a lost lamb, longing for our Shepherd, who is G-d, to seek us out. This concluding class of the longest Psalm tells the tale of spiritual search and rescue in the drama of straying souls finding their way back home! Learning the last...
Lamb (defined as a sheep in its first year of life) is a kosher animal, as are all sheep.
I understand that that the Torah tells us that there is a mitzvah to blow a horn on Rosh Hashanah, but why is it specifically a ram’s horn? Is that a mitzvah, or just tradition?
The Torah reading of Vayeitzei is veritably glutted with sheep: white sheep, dark sheep, spotted sheep, speckled sheep, sheep with rings around their ankles; Jacob cares for sheep, receives his wages in sheep, breeds sheep, dreams of sheep, amasses a fort...
I just read the news about a passenger who was not allowed to bring a “support peacock” onto a commercial flight and was wondering . . .
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