Metzora |
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Metzora: a person afflicted with tzaraat
Leviticus 14:1–15:33
A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!
The Metzora is the consummate Outsider. Of his own accord, he exists on the margins of society. And yet his tormented ostracism is the place where he finds his innermost connection with G-d.
Something Spiritual on Parshat Metzora
Abraham and Sara’s model house
The sages have taught that man without a house is incomplete. Discover the inner meaning of this cryptic teaching. Also, learn why the Metzora’s house in particular was afflicted with the discoloration of tzaraat.
Torah Interpretations of the Rebbe
Life Lessons from Parshat Metzora
The biblical skin discoloring of tzaraat was a consequence of spiritual failing, primarily due to lashon hara or gossip. Our words have extraordinary, far-reaching impact.
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Metzora
The ritual purification of the former metzorah includes placing blood from an animal sacrifice on the person's right eat, right thumb and right big toe as well as placing olive oil on the same three places plus on the top of his or her head. What is the d...
Practical Parshah - Metzora
A textual analysis of the Biblical origins for the laws of family purity and mikveh.
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