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Kuf: the nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, prounounced "k," with a numerical value of 100
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Kraziness has its drawbacks--or rather, drawdowns, like the letter kuf that reaches below the line. But kraziness can also reach very high. Find out how as this week's KabbalaToon episode explores the monkey-letter, kuf.
This class explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
The nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
Kuf (also spelled qoph) is the nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet Numerical value: 100 Sound: "K" Meaning: Monkey Story The Rebbe, Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch, called for his shamesh,  An attendant. Ben-Zion, and asked him: “Have you eaten to­day...
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This class is on the first verse if I “make the call,” will He answer? Just how did King David get G-d to do it? Can we learn telemarketing strategies from songful spiritual seeker and royal singer? Learning the first verse for the letter Kuf, verses 145 ...
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Letters and Numbers of Torah - Terumah
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Giving charity increases unity in the world
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