
Parshah Messages

Death Is Not Final
Moses was baffled when G‑d described for him the impurity contracted through contact with a corpse. Why?
Why Did Moses Hit the Rock?
If striking the rock was so awful, why was it okay so many years earlier? Why didn't Moses follow G-d's simple instructions? Why did this seemingly minor offense have such severe consequences?
Moses the Rebuker?
Moses rebukes and Balaam blesses -- sounds wrong, no?
The Secret of Jewish Survival
Why was this nation immune from G-d's curses and wrath? Let's listen to what our enemy has to say on the matter...
A Love (From) Hate Relationship
Balak hated the Jews—but for good reason; in his estimation, they presented a mortal threat to him. Balaam, on the other hand, like so many anti-Semites throughout the ages, hated the Jews for no reason at all...
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