
For Friday Night

Good and Making Good
The Meaning of the Mitzvot
The sages tell us that there is a link between the 613 commandments (mitzvot) and the human body . . .
Life and light are often paired together. We seek life, and we seek light. Yet sometimes we seem to hit a patch of darkness. What happens then?
Journey of the Soul
There is the image of water: a spring of water among the garnsde, that trickles underground, down, down, down, through the layers of stone and sand which refine it and purify it . . .
The Teaching of Aaron
The Sages tell us that Aaron devoted himself to carrying out the command "love your fellow" to the highest degree. The Midrash relates how he attracted people to the teachings of the Torah...
Privacy and Modesty
Our role as Jews is to be an example. The Torah describes us, thousands of years ago, as expressing the virtues of modesty and privacy.
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