
From the Chassidic Masters

Who Was Korach?
The Lubavitcher Rebbe looks at the voluminous Midrashic literature and biblical commentary on Korach and draws a comprehensive picture of the man and his quarrel.
The Gap of Life
The etymology of Korach: Our Sages tell us that the structure of creation is represented by the Hebrew letter Hei. Contrasting the form of the Hei with the three letters that comprise the name "Korach" reveals the three basic distortions of reality from which conflict and disharmony arise
Do you sometimes feel transformed by simply being in the presence of someone? Like a mighty river whose fast-flowing waters carry away anything in their path -- hurt, envy, hate, or misunderstanding. Aaron had that affect on people... Laibl Wolf's contemporary rendition of a discourse by Chassidic Master Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi
Three Natural Miracles
On Shabbat, Tammuz 3, 5751 (June 15, 1991), the Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke about the paradox of “natural miracles,” citing three examples of this phenomenon—one from the day’s Torah reading of Korach, and two which occurred on this date: Aaron’s blossoming staff, Joshua’s stopping of the sun, and the collapse of the Soviet Communist regime.
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