
Guest Columnists

Getting Our Priorities Straight
Life Lessons From the Parshah - Matot-Masei
Why Moses was troubled by Reuben and Gad's request to settle outside of the Holy Land.
Being Honest Should be Completely Obvious
The summary verse of the first part of Matot appears to omit the most salient point!
The Empowering Art of Framing
Why is it important to list the journeys? The Torah isn’t a history book, nor is it a travelogue, so what’s the purpose of this list?
Low-Speed Travel
Where are we headed at such breakneck speed?
I can't believe I find myself in the same position, doing the same task: packing. Again, we're moving. We've moved five times in seven years...
A Kabbalist's Guide to Hieroglyphics
This thing about the Jews “wandering” through the desert is a misconception. They were no more wandering through the desert than a spelling bee champion wanders through the alphabet.
Two Rabbis Came to the Door
I had been a seeker for many years by the time I knocked on the door of Lubavitch House...
The Expanding Land of Israel
Discover how Reuben and Gad's settlement east of Jordan led to the spiritual spread of Judaism's values.
The Daughters of Zelophehad
“Why should our father’s name be eliminated from his family because he had no sons? Give us a landholding among our father’s brothers!”
The Temple Guards and Their Mystical Meaning
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak devotes 25 pages of dense Kabbalistic text to explaining this discrepancy through the lens of Jewish mysticism.
Forging Ahead, Leading the Way
Did the nation of Israel transform? Have the people integrated lessons learned? And are they ready to become independent, mature, individuated human beings, leading themselves through their life journeys?
Cities of Refuge Demystified
Learn about the ancient cities in Israel where killers and priests rubbed shoulders
The cities of refuge were only for those who killed accidentally, not knowing the consequences of their actions.
Do the Jews Deserve the Land of Israel?
The Land of Israel is Heaven’s perfectly suitable gift suited for the Jewish people. By the same token, it is beyond what the Jews can ever deserve.
Hot Lava or Holy Living?
When darkness creeps into your life, turn on the light.
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