
Guest Columnists

Why Do Mitzvot?
Ultimately, every answer is, in a sense, a correct answer
Where Do Ethics Come From?
Should we clone people? Is there such a thing as a life not worth living? When is it correct to go to war? But the real question is: on what biases do we answer these ethical dilemmas?
Why Is Torah Law So Restrictive of Contact Between the Genders?
Should any physical contact that is friendly be considered intimate? Hopefully, it should.
The Gift of Forgiveness
From my perspective as a family therapist, the greatest treasure in our Torah-inheritance is the instruction to free ourselves of anger and resentment...
Car Therapy
Sometimes we mistakenly believe that negative behavior or language is only problematic when it hurts someone else. We think that we have a license to behave as we wish, as long as we keep it to ourselves.
The Torah on Dirty Words
What is the Jewish stance on cursing and curse words? I’ve heard the line that our bodies are a temple, and that defaming G‑d’s name is very bad, but what about a little curse here or there when you are really mad?
Renewable Energy in the Torah
No form of energy is of any use unless there is a way to channel and harness it. Otherwise, the energy simply dissipates.
The Rational Brain vs. the Emotional Brain
Acharei Mot
Leaving Egypt was not just a physical change in geography.
Authentic Freedom
How could the newly liberated Jew know what his or her real self was? How could a recently freed slave understand his or her potential, much less how to actualize it?
Fake It Until They Make It?
Can you simply call your struggling business colleague a “success story” and expect him to perform?
The Effects of Emotional Trauma
Robbing is akin to slaying someone, but if the aggressor has remorse we let him off the hook!?
The Sin of Aaron's Sons
An Essay on Parshat Acharei Mot
The cause of the sin was overfamiliarity with G‑d and His service.
Saintly or Simple?
An Essay on Parshat Kedoshim
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