
Parshah Musings

Our Contributions Matter
Neither family background nor social status influence G‑d.
Building the mishkan was the most holy and intricate task that the Jews were assigned during their sojourn in the desert. Nonetheless, every Friday night all work on this magnificent edifice would come to a grinding halt
Let It Be Done
The Torah states "work shall be done" -- the passive voice. Becoming so totally devoted to one's job, such that one's work is one's total preoccupation and obsession, is totally unhealthy and an affront to the divine system. You may have to work, but let it be done
Raising Funds and Children
Men, women and children all lined up to contribute to the cause. One would hardly imagine that the children's gift made much of a difference to a project as grand as that of the Tabernacle...
Contributing to the Cause
Moses blessed the artisans and craftspeople who built the Tabernacle. Did he forget about the donors?
One-Hit Wonders
History’s pages are littered with examples of prodigies who blossomed and then faded.
As the fires of assimilation threaten, and the harsh winds of history blow towards us, there is a danger that we may mistakenly leave Judaism behind in exchange for a carload of worthless junk.
What matters in life is not who you are, or to which gender you belong, but what you can contribute to the common cause. You have a specialized skill? Then utilize your ability to bring beauty and greatness to the world.
Moses, the lead contractor, was understandably relieved to have finished the job, up to spec, on budget and on time. He could have been forgiven had he taken some time off for R&R but he had one last responsibility to complete before inaugurating the structure: he published a detailed accounting of every single last cent that had been solicited and spent on the project.
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