And the servants of Isaac dug in the valley, and they found a well of living water (26:19)
If a person tells you "I have toiled but I have not found"—do not believe him.
Talmud, Megillah 6b
Rabbi Sholom DovBer of Lubavitch was deep in thought, struggling with some elusive idea deep in the recesses of his mighty mind. A bowl of soup had been set before him some time earlier, but the Rebbe was in another world; sharp lines of concentration plowed his forehead, as he sat gazing into the bowl and slowly stirring the soup with his spoon.
The Rebbe's servant, who figured that the Rebbe must be searching for the egg noodles, exclaimed: "Rebbe, dig in further! The lokshen lies deeper down."
A wave of contentment passed over the Rebbe's tensed features. "Thank you," he said to his servant, "You have revived my soul . . ."
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