Do you have those people that just drive you berserk?
If they organize something, there’s no way it’ll work!
They’re irresponsible, nasty, tattle on their friends,
Just the sound of their voice makes your hair stand on end.
You examine them thoroughly and find that it’s true,
That this person is rotten, through and through.

Well, this dear friend of ours, of which we now speak,
Comes up in the Parshah that we read this week!
When discussing tzaraat, a disease on the skin,
A spiritual affliction that struck those that did sin.
A white spot on their flesh rendered them impure,
And they had to be ostracized until they were cured.

You’d think those people who do nothing right
Would be stricken so badly, their whole body turns white!
With a case so severe, purification would be long,
I thought so too, but then found I was wrong.
If one’s whole body’s afflicted, with white lesions throughout,
He is declared “pure,” without any doubt.

Because it’s just not possible, it cannot be,
To have someone so bad that there’s no good to see.
There’s positivity to find wherever you look,
A shred of goodness, even in a crook.
If you find someone so faulty, with bad so ingrained,
They’re probably fine—it’s your glasses that are stained.