
The Internet & Torah: Session Two

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The Internet & Torah: Session Two

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The Chosen Nation Anywhere and everywhere June 30, 2022

Thank you for putting this together, and a special thank you for explaining how AI works!

In regards to the discussion of different problems that might come up with the advance of technology, I’d would like to take the opportunity and point out something that I found relevant to the discussion.

As one who was born to Jewish parents, I feel very privileged to be part of a nation, that was chosen by the Almighty to be separated from the Mundine life that the rest of the world lives by, and to be in trusted with the responsibility of being holy,

As the verse states in Leviticus 11:44 “you shall sanctify yourself and be holy, for I am Holy.”

I therefore would like to bring to light an issue that can come up with the exposure to an Artificial intelligence (AI) that is built off data, that is vastly the input of nations, that live with a moral, unacceptable to a “holy” standard of life.

Furthermore, when dealing with high tech intelligence, it’s programmed to engage the recipient, and feed him with this stored data, in the most efficient way possible!

So without going to the discussion of how to actually use the internet as a driving tool for good, (something that can be done, and definitely should be done) I do feel that as a Jew, I have the responsibility to be separated and different from such a life style, and to stay as far away from the danger that the internet might impose. Reply