
An Introduction to Kabbalah

A five part series of classes that introduce many kabbalistic ideas in a thorough and methodical manner.

The Kabbalistic Tradition
Part 1: a) The Bible, Talmud and Zohar b) From 16th Century Tsfat to the modern period
Torah Study & Mitzvot
Part 2: Applying Kabbalah in the life of the Individual (1)
Prayer & Meditation
Audio | 1:13:46
Prayer & Meditation
Part 3: Applying Kabbalah in the life of the Individual (2)
Shabbat & Marriage
Audio | 49:45
Shabbat & Marriage
Part 4: Kabbalah in the Life of a Family
The Global Perspective
Part 5: From Creation to Redemption, the Jew and the World
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