The 193rd prohibition is that we are forbidden from eating a mixture of species only1 when planted in a vineyard.

The source of this prohibition is G‑d's statement2 (exalted be He), "[Do not plant mixed species in your vineyard] lest the additional growth [of the vine] and the seeds become prohibited [tikdosh]."

The Oral Tradition3 explains that the phrase pen tikdosh ["lest it become prohibited"] also implies, pen tukad aish ["lest you cause it to be burnt in fire"], i.e., that it is forbidden to derive any benefit from them.

You have already learned the principle,4 "Every case where the Torah writes hishomer (be careful), pen (lest) or al (do not) indicates a prohibition."5

In the second chapter of Pesachim,6 our Sages discuss the law that, "one is not punished by lashes for any prohibition in the Torah unless one derives benefit in the normal way," i.e., that anything that one is prohibited from eating, one is not punished from eating it unless one derives benefit.7 The Talmud then says, "Abaye says, 'Everyone agrees that for [eating] mixed species that grew in a vineyard, one is punished by lashes even if one does not benefit in the normal way. What is the reason? Because the verse does not mention 'eating'; rather it is written, pen tikdosh, which also implies, pen tukad aish."8

The details of this mitzvah are explained in tractate Kilayim.

The Biblical prohibition of mixed species in a vineyard only applies in Israel.