The 195th prohibition is that we are forbidden from being a glutton and a drunkard in our youth, according to the specific conditions1 which define a ben sorer u'moreh [rebellious son].
The source of this prohibition is G‑d's statement2 (exalted be He), "Do not eat on the blood."3
The explanation [of why this is counted as a prohibition instead of a positive commandment to punish the ben sorer u'moreh] is that the ben sorer u'moreh is included among those who are executed by the High Court. The Torah states clearly4 that the method of execution is stoning. We already explained in the Introduction to this work5 that whenever the Torah indicates a punishment of kares or execution, the mitzvah is a prohibition, except for the Pesach sacrifice and circumcision. We therefore know that the present mitzvah is a prohibition, since this glutton and drunkard is punished by stoning if all the conditions are present.
We have mentioned the source for the punishment, but according to our principle that the Torah gives a punishment only if there is another verse which states the actual prohibition, we still need to find the actual prohibition. The Gemara says in Sanhedrin,6 "Which verse serves as the prohibition of ben sorer u'moreh? The verse, 'Do not eat on the blood.' " It is as if the verse says, "Do not eat in a way that will cause bloodshed," i.e. the eating of this glutton and drunkard which is punishable by execution. If a person would eat this wicked meal with all the negative conditions, he would transgress this prohibition.
It doesn't matter that this is a lav she'b'klalus,7 as explained in the Ninth Introductory Principle, because since there is a separate verse stating the punishment, we are not concerned whether the actual prohibition comes from a separate law or a lav she'b'klalus. We have already explained this many times and given many examples.8
The details of this mitzvah are explained in the eighth chapter of tractate Sanhedrin.