And the 52nd mitzvah is that we are commanded to celebrate1 in the Holy Temple three times each year.2

The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement3 (exalted be He), "Offer a sacrifice to Me three times each year."

Scripture explains that this "celebration" consists of going up [to the Temple] with a sacrifice to offer. This commandment is repeated many times.4

In the words of the Sifri:5 "There are three commandments to fulfill on the festivals. They are Chagigah,6 re'iyah7 and simchah.8" Our Sages said the same in tractate Chagigah,9 "The Jewish people were given three commandments to fulfill on the festivals: Chagigah, re'iyah and simchah."

This Chagigah consists of bringing a peace offering. Women are not obligated in it.

The details of this mitzvah are explained in Tractate Chagigah.