The beginning of Ha'azinu describes G‑d's continuing love of, and kindness to, Israel. The end of the parshah speaks of the ultimate retribution at the end of days, when Israel shall be redeemed by Moshiach and its glory will be re-established before the whole world. In between, however, there are severe words of rebuke relating to the lapses of Israel's unfaithfulness and the punishment which these precipitate. Yet the whole parshah is called a shirah, a song, something which is normally associated with joy and happiness.
This teaches us that all and any events befalling the Jewish people, including those that appear to us as negative and unwanted, serve but the one single goal of bringing about the true and ultimate redemption. Every event is another rung on the ladder leading to the ultimate and everlasting bliss to be brought about by Moshiach. Thus, even the passages of rebuke and disciplining in our parshah are part of the great song of Israel's history which culminates in the ge'ulah, the final redemption.
Living With Moshiach
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