I owe a debt of gratitude to all the many teachers and people who have made this book possible who are too numerous to mention individually.
Some however must be mentioned by name:
Rabbi Feldman with Rabbi Lesches and the Sydney Yeshiva Centre for providing constantly refertilized ground.
My first teacher Rabbi M. Kantor who showed me the possibility of seeing in color for the first time.
Rabbi A. Perlow and Rabbi M. Gourarie for helping to structure all the shiurim and Rabbi Gourarie for then adding all the footnotes, checking the material and being supportively critical.
M. Moss, the best chavrusa a man could have.
Pesach Johns whose recordings of my weekly shiur made much of the material efficiently reaccessible.
Velvel Steinberg for the idea of the book.
Most of all to my dear wife, Ann, for her encouragement, support, proof reading and correcting, all with unshakable patience and good humor.
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