
Shabbat Chazon Essays

The Act of Knowing
Imagine if everyone saw you as you really are, as you see yourself. And you looked at everyone else and saw them as they see themselves. Our world would be a very different place, wouldn't it?
Shabbat of Vision
On the Shabbat before the Ninth of Av, we are granted a vision of the third Temple. But what is the point of this vision, if we do not experience it consciously? And what exactly is it that we see?
Subliminal Advertising
I don’t know if the communists or Madison Avenue ever perfected the art of subliminal suggestion, but I am sure that G‑d has the requisite skills to pull it off . . .
Make It Real
The vision which we see on Shabbat Chazon is to inspire a change so fundamental that we will turn that vision of the Third Temple into actual physical reality . . .
How's Your Vision?
When does one learn to adjust one’s expectations and recognize that that dreams are . . . just dreams?
Profits and Prophets
Seeing Double
First World Problems
We live in this world and must learn to adapt to it. Only through playing by its rules can we be successful.
A commentary on the haftarah for Shabbat Chazon
Rebuke to Reward
A commentary on the haftarah for Shabbat Chazon
On the Haftarah: The Vision of Isaiah
For the haftarah for Shabbat Chazon, From the Teachings of the Rebbe
The question is: Who or what is Zion? And who are the captives?
A Mother's Comfort
Why is there a need for comfort if G‑d plans to provide a solution?
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