
Leap Year Video & Audio

The Secret of the Jewish Leap Year
Combining Consistency and Change
The solar year is longer than the lunar year. The seasons are determined by the movement of the sun. But the Jewish people set their months and festivals by the moon. Every few years, we add a thirteenth month to synchronize the two cycles.
It's in Your Hands
3 Tishrei, 5749 · September 14, 1988
The lunar year is eleven days shorter than the solar year. Therefore, every two or three years, an additional month is added to the Jewish calendar, to bring the lunar and solar years back into alignment.
“Order of the Year”
An address to children
The year is divided into twelve months. But Torah tells us that there are special years which have an additional month – changing the entire year into a Jewish “Leap Year.”
The Jewish Leap Year
The additional month in a “pregnant year”
The Jewish leap year contains 13 months, instead of the regular twelve—i.e., an extra month is added at the end of the year (another Adar). What is the meaning behind this added month?
Rosh Chodesh
Video | 6:20
Rosh Chodesh
The Jewish Calendar
Rosh Chodesh, the head of the month, plays a big role in the Jewish calendar, where the lunar cycle is front and center. Learn how the Jewish calendar works.
A Cause for Celebration
Some melancholy people take issue with celebrating during the first month of Adar. Why argue with those joyless people? The Rema rules, “A cheerful person always celebrates.” If there was room for doubt, “always celebrate.”
Purim Katan & the Two Adars
Contemporary Halachah and Shulchan Aruch
Since Biblical times the months and years of the Jewish calendar have been established by the cycles of the moon and the sun. Torah law prescribes that the months follow closely the course of the moon, from its birth each month to the next New Moon.
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