It's in Your Hands
3 Tishrei, 5749 · September 14, 1988
It's in Your Hands: 3 Tishrei, 5749 · September 14, 1988The lunar year is eleven days shorter than the solar year. Therefore, every two or three years,
an additional month is added to the Jewish calendar, to bring the lunar and solar years back
into alignment.
It's in Your Hands
3 Tishrei, 5749 · September 14, 1988
Disc 45, Program 179
Event Date: 3 Tishrei 5749 - September 14, 1988
The lunar year is eleven days shorter than the solar year. Therefore, every two or three years, an additional month is added to the Jewish calendar, to bring the lunar and solar years back into alignment. Two powerful lessons: 1) Even for a shortcoming that has steadily festered for many years, a Jew is given the power to rectify it at its root-source, and to restore perfect balance. 2) Originally the sun and moon were equal; it was only when the moon displayed envy toward the sun that G-d caused her to be diminished - resulting in the shorter lunar year. Chassidus explains that the diminishing of the moon was the root-cause of all the later falls of mankind. But G-d empowers the Jewish People to restore balance to the entire universe - in effect, overruling G-d's laws of nature - for the root-source of the Jewish soul transcends all of time and space - it is literally one with G-d. |
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