
Timeless Patterns in Time

The Jewish year, with its holidays and fast days, is a cycle of recurring spiritual influences, with each year bringing a new dimension to the cycle. These essays highlight the spiritual message of the holidays, showing the connection between the historical significance of these days and their eternal relevance to Jewish life.

The Last Embers of Jewish Sovereignty
Teshuvah - Return Not Repentance
Asarah B'Tevet (Tevet 10)
Support for Jerusalem
Why We Celebrate the New Year of Trees

Browse Book
From the talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson
The Jewish year, with its holidays and fast days, is a cycle of recurring spiritual influences, with each year bringing a new dimension to the cycle. These essays highlight the spiritual message of the holidays, showing the connection between the historical significance of these days and their eternal relevance to Jewish life.
About the Publisher
Sichos in English has published hundreds of volumes on Chassidism and its way of life.
Kehot Publication Society and Merkos Publications are the publishing divisions of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
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