A renowned scholar and theologian presents inspiring and articulate observations on the ultimate purpose of G‑d's creation - the redemption by our righteous Moshiach.
Based on the talks and writings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, these concise adaptations are arranged according to the weekly and holiday Torah portions. This volume unites these cogent insights with the well-known Chasidic adage, "one must live with the times," that is, take guidance from the appropriate Torah reading.
About the Author
Jacob Immanuel Schochet has written and lectured extensively on the history and philosophy of Chassidism and topical themes of Jewish thought and ethics. A renowned authority on Jewish Philosophy and Mysticism, his works include biographies, annotated editions and translations of Chassidic classics and numerous monographs and articles in professional and popular journals. He is rabbi of Kielcer Congregation, and a professor of Philosophy at Humber College, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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