Jan. 1, 2009. While organizing our equipment (again!) I was startled by an outbreak of shouting and a large pack of soldiers running in a single direction.
"What happened?" I yelled. Incoming missiles? Emergency alert? No... Donations!
The moment I heard that I also joined the herd of soldiers to be the first in line to get free stuff.
The donors were mostly American, particularly the Jewish president of a large chain of domestic and home accessory stores.
They pulled me and a few other American lone soldiers aside. So my friend said to the president, "My mom just loves your towels."
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Smooth, dude. Real smooth. But I guess my friend meant it as a joke and he laughed.
I also met a rabbi from my home town. With us Jews it's always a small world.
But I can't emphasize enough how much we appreciate the support, especially when the entire world is criticizing us. And we've hardly even done anything yet!...