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Seeing the Good

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Seeing the Good

The Baal Shem Tov teaches that every single Jew is cherished by G-d. This is even more so during exile, when the Jewish people is “afflicted.” When one reaches out to a Jew who is distant and reveals that he, too, is an “only child” of G-d, then G-d’s kindness and compassion for the entire people become aroused.
Metzora, G-d's Love, Nasi, Reading of, Reuben, Birkat HaChamah, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Seeing the Good
Disc 152, Program 605

Event Date: 4 Nissan 5741 - April 08, 1981

The Baal Shem Tov teaches that every single Jew is cherished by G-d. This is even more so during exile, when the Jewish people is “afflicted.” When one reaches out to a Jew who is distant and reveals that he, too, is an “only child” of G-d, G-d’s kindness and compassion for the entire people become aroused.

This reflects the greater purpose of the exile and the destruction of the Temple - for every Jew to unlock the spiritual treasures within, resulting in material blessing and prosperity, and ultimately the redemption through Moshiach.

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