Likkutei Sichot With Rabbi Moshe Gourarie
Teachings of the Rebbe
Video | 14:58
Learn about the mitzvah of Maakah—to construct a fence around a rooftop to protect against a hazard. Discover an interesting exception to this obligation and the reasoning behind it as we compare and contrast different situations, and in the end, apply their spiritual dimension to our life. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 24 Ki Seitzei sicha 2)
Video | 17:03
Learn why Rashi specifically explains select details when clarifying the verse on the mitzvah to read the Torah during Hakhel. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 19 Vayelech sicha 4)
Video | 15:37
The Torah’s demarcation points to an end of an era where the wrath of G-d reigned in the world. This explanation of Rashi also offers insight into the longevity of the early generation of humankind. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 15 Noach sicha 5)
Video | 16:09
Examine two components in acquiring the Holy Land.
Video | 15:03
An inspiring story with the Rebbe Rashab as a young child, affords us incredible instruction in how we can educate a Jewish child today. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 15 Vayeira – Cheshvan 20)
Video | 15:57
The miracle of the Rivkah’s Shabbat candles is connected to upcoming holiday of the miracle of lights. Explore a unique approach to how the miracle of oil transpired and its inner dimension. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 15 Chayei Sarah – Shabbos Mevarchim Kislev)
Video | 14:03
Following the month of Tishrei, which is filled with holidays and mitzvahs, we are fortified with the power to take on and transform the world. Discover the mystical connection to the narrative of Yaakov journeying from Lavan. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 15 Vayeitzei, sicha 5)
Video | 14:34
There is a clear link between the lifework of the Alter Rebbe and the parsha of Shemos, which is about the state of Golus (exile). (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 16 Shemos - Teves 24)
Video | 14:44
Learn the finer points on why chassidim wouldn’t sell the vodka they received from their Rebbe, and an important lesson in educating kids with customs. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 16 Bo - Yud Shevat)
Video | 14:59
The Rebbes of Chabad usually wouldn’t wash for bread (challah) for Seudah Shlishit, the third meal on Shabbos. Explore the mystical reason behind this seemingly lenient practice of eating lesser foods, and how it fits with halachah.
Video | 18:30
Explore the Rambam’s teaching on how the hiding of the Aron was part of the original plans in constructing the Beis HaMikdash. This sheds light on the eternity of the Holy Temple. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 21 Beshalach, sicha 2)
Video | 15:00
The final law in the Rambam’s laws on constructing the Beis HaMikdash addresses the daily pre-dawn inspection by the Kohanim with torches in their hands. The exception is Shabbos, where they inspected with stationed lamps to avoid a rabbinic prohibition. Delve into the depths of this halacha. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 21 Vayakhel, sicha 1)
Video | 14:58
Moses ask G-d to show him His glory. Then Hashem teaches him how to pray wrapped in a Tallis and reciting the thirteen attributes of mercy. G-d tells Moshe that you can only see my back (and not my front) and Rashi interprets this to mean the knot of the head Tefillin. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 21 Ki Tisa, sicha 3)