Video | 6:57
11 Nissan, 5742 • April 4, 1982
As representative of the Lubavitch Movement, I was honored to receive a letter from the President of the United States, together with a Declaration to all US citizens, proclaiming the 11th of Nissan as “Education Day.”
Video | 6:55
A Letter in the Torah Scroll for Every Child
At the Exodus from Egypt the Jews experienced true unity. The experience at Sinai caused them to become one. In order to order bring this into practical reality today, in a way that even a child can appreciate, it needs to involve something tangible.
Video | 8:48
Part 1: 11 Nissan, 5741 · April 15, 1981
An address on the Rebbe's birthday, shortly after the assassination attempt on US President
Ronald Reagan's life.
Video | 8:24
Part 2: 11 Nissan, 5741 · April 15, 1981
The assassination attempt on President Reagan's life proves that poverty cannot be blamed
as the true source of crime. Crime comes from a deeper source.
Video | 7:36
Part 3: 11 Nissan, 5741 · April 15, 1981
The best way to heal illness is through preventive measures. The disease of crime is a reality,
but recognizing that it is real should bring about real change. The education system must
reorient itself to stop this disease before it manifests. We are not calling for a "new" resolution,
but rather a return to the values accepted by the citizens of this country and by all nations.
Video | 7:50
Faced with the prospect of their baby boys being killed by the Egyptians, the Jews in Egypt followed the lead of Amram, the father of Moses, in flouting Pharaoh's decrees and continuing to have children. These young boys would become the generation to leave the bondage in Egypt and perceive revealed G-dliness at the splitting of the Red Sea.
Video | 7:49
When it comes to Jewish education, some parents ask, “What’s the rush? When our child learns right from wrong, and matures a little, then we’ll teach him about his heritage. It can wait until he is at least able to understand that he is part of the chosen people, and different to others.”
Video | 7:02
At the first possible opportunity, we begin teaching our young about their precious heritage. And while the obligation to educate our children only begins once they reach the age of five or six, there is much we can teach them even before then.
Video | 7:34
All important things need preparation, and education is certainly no exception. We need not wait to respond to our children; by being proactive, we can be sure that they’re properly engaged. This is especially true by the Passover Seder. Much of the ritual that surrounds the Passover Seder
involves the participation of our children. By properly preparing, all our children, no matter their personalities, can feel welcome and involved.
Video | 7:02
At the first possible opportunity, we begin teaching our young about their precious heritage. And while the obligation to educate our children only begins once they reach the age of five or six, there is much we can teach them even before then.
Video | 7:19
In the United States, there is much debate about the separation of government and religion.
Video | 6:35
Twelve Torah Passages for Every Child
In 1976, as part of his campaign for Jewish education, the Rebbe selected twelve fundamental Torah passages for every Jewish boy and girl.
Video | 5:57
Twelve Essential Torah Teachings
In 1976, as part of his campaign to educate every Jewish child, the Rebbe selected twelve fundamental Torah passages to be learned by every Jewish boy and girl.
Video | 7:28
The book of Genesis relates that “the heart of man is evil from his youth,” and when one looks around at the world today, it seems to confirm this verse. Yet Torah assures that as a person matures, the good within him develops and he can overcome negative character traits by following God’s commandments.
Video | 6:52
Every child has natural born traits, some positive, some negative. As the child grows and develops, it is the parent’s sacred duty to reinforce the positive ones, and address the negative ones.
Video | 8:12
Long before his bar mitzvah, the Previous Rebbe was already preoccupied with doing acts of kindness. At age eleven he established a free-loan fund, allowing him to help the needy in a dignified manner.
Video | 6:41
For children, summer vacation is a welcome break from school. For parents and those responsible for their Jewish education, it is an opportunity not to be missed.
Video | 6:15
Those responsible for allocating communal funds must make some difficult decisions about how the money should best be spent.
Video | 7:41
During the slavery of the Jewish people in ancient Egypt, Pharaoh’s harshest decree was that every male child born, be drowned in the Nile.
Video | 5:24
Parents are never satisfied to provide their children with the minimum, or even the average.
For their own needs a father or mother might settle for less, but for their children they want only the greatest and the best they can provide. If this is so with food and clothing, which are quite temporary, how much more so when it comes to a child’s spiritual education, which impacts the rest of his or her entire life.
Video | 8:05
Purim, 5732 · February 29, 1972
It is rare for all students of one age group to be on the same academic level in their learning.
Dividing the students into smaller classes - one more advanced than the other - creates a
healthy incentive for all the students to grow.
Video | 8:39
Part 1: Preaching and Practicing
Education comes in many forms: First and foremost is to provide a living example. The best way to influence someone is by practicing what you preach. As we approach Passover, the call of the hour is to seek out those who cannot afford the holiday expenses and provide all that they need.
Video | 2:11
The great merit of teaching Jewish children Torah and performance of mitzvos will surely bring blessings.
Video | 1:33
May all of your students be educated in a manner befitting the Holy Land. To educate others you need to be healthy -- both mentally as well as physically. (Collage)
Video | 2:02
When your children see you following G-d, they will emulate you. A mother has even greater influence in educating children than a father.
Video | 2:08
7 Tishrei, 5751 • September 26, 1990
When children are taught secular studies five times a week, but Torah only three times a week, they pick up a subconscious message that Judaism is less important. They must be taught about G-d, Torah and Mitzvos every single day.
Video | 5:10
1956 - 1961
As a rabbinic student at 770, Rabbi Aaron Cousin joined his colleagues in working under the
New York State "Released time" program, which allows Public School students to receive
religious instruction.
Video | 4:03
In the mid-1970s, Rabbi Gershon Burkis was a member of the Religious Council in the city of Lod, Israel. With a number of children in their schools reaching the age for reading books, he decided to do something about the dearth of quality Jewish educational reading. With blessings and direction from the Rebbe, the Machanayim collection was born.
Video | 3:32
Rabbi Yaakov Roth is an educator and teacher Miami, Florida. From time to time, he would have his young students send letters to the Rebbe. The Rebbe’s thoughtful responses were touching and inspiring. (Early 1970s)
Video | 5:30
Rabbi Moshe Naparstek, who serves on the faculty of Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim in Kfar Chabad, Isreal, was surprised when during an audience, the Rebbe volunteered advice on the correct approach to education. More than just sound advice, it was a solution to his dilemma. (1960's)
Video | 4:24
circa 1909
Efraim Steinmetz is a businessman from Caracas, Venezuela. He and his wife came to the Rebbe with concerns about their children’s Jewish education. The Rebbe answered with a story from his own childhood.
Video | 4:13
1956, 1981
Mr. Sam Feiglin’s father, Moshe Zalman, was a founder of the Jewish community in Australia. A glimpse into the Rebbe’s personal involvement for Australian Jewry.
Video | 49:58
Torah education is the foundation of Jewish life and our people’s continuity. Beyond promoting Jewish education for children on a macro level, how is this campaign relevant to everyone as individuals? In exploring the mitzvah of sharing Torah with others, we are empowered to be beacons of influence to our fellow Jews.
Video | 31:45
Three phases in the development of Chabad educational theory and philosophy
An overview of the theories of education articulated by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi and Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, and of the educational philosophy of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, respectively the first, sixth and seventh rebbes of Chabad-Lubavitch.
Video | 50:37
Communicating Our Values to 21st Century Children
Video | 44:23
A Systematic Analysis of Key Themes and Ideas
Judaic scholar, Dr. Aryeh Solomon, conducted five years of intensive research into the writings of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson. Solomon's research resulted in the first systematic analysis of Rabbi Schneerson's educational philosophy conducted according to strict academic criteria. Here he presents his findings highlighting key themes throughout the work of the Rebbe. (Presented at the Chabad and the Academy Conference at The University of Pennsylvania.)
Video | 45:36
Pedagogical Model of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Jewish educator, Rabbi Shmuel Lew, gives an overview of "Principals of Education and Guidance," a treatise by the sixth Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson. Rabbi Lew explains how the sixth Rebbe's book served as the basis for the educational approach of his successor, the seventh Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson. (Presented at the Chabad and the Academy Conference at The University of Pennsylvania.)