The attribute of seeking victory, then, is rooted in the very core of the soul which transcends the revealed [i.e., conscious] faculties of revealed will and of intellect.

Through this attribute, therefore, one can reach the storehouse of heavenly treasures; i.e., it is this attribute that reveals and draws down the heavenly store of treasures. Because of it, the storehouses are opened in time of war, the kernel of which is victory.

In order to overcome the enemy even secret vaults are opened.

Though the distribution must be entrusted to ministers and officers, the ultimate intent is that all the priceless wealth be handed over to the rank and file soldiers, for it is they who will actually secure the victory. This concept is alluded to in the phrase, Netzach Yisrael [which can be translated either "the Eternal One of Israel" or "the victory of Israel"].

The victory is for Israel and by Israel.

Since it is they who are called the "hosts of G‑d," the treasure houses of heaven are opened up for them, to enable them to vanquish the enemy and to secure "the victory of Israel." Because the attribute of seeking victory is found in Israel, they are called the "hosts of G‑d."

On the verse, — "Make known to me the way of life," there is a related teaching of Midrash Shocher Tov.

"David HaMelech asked of G‑d: `Master of the Universe, make known to me the way of life!'

"Said G‑d to David: `Is it life that you want? Look inside the Torah!

For concerning the Torah it is written, — It is a tree of life for those who hold fast to it.'"

[The verse quoted above from Tehillim continues:] — "There is fullness of joy in Your presence [lit., `with Your countenance']."

On this there is a comment in Midrash Rabbah (Vayikra 30:[2], which for sova, meaning "fullness", reads sheva, meaning "seven", for there are seven degrees of joy among those who gaze upon the Divine Countenance): "These are the seven groups of tzaddikim who are destined to welcome the Countenance of the Divine Presence."

[The verse continues:] Ne-imot B'yemincha Netzach --"Bliss is at Your right hand forever." [The word netzach, as mentioned earlier, can mean either "forever" or "victory".]

The Midrash asks: "Who will tell us which of these groups is the most cherished, the most blissful?"

And the Midrash continues by saying, "One answers: `Those who come with the power of the Torah and the power of the mitzvos.' Another answers:

`These are the teachers who teach little children in the path of truth, and who are destined to stand at the right hand of G‑d.'"

The Midrash concludes: "This is what is contained in the phrase, `Bliss is at Your right hand forever.'"

All the above comes about because the attribute of securing victory is related to Israel.

For there is a verse [concerning the festival of Sukkos] that states: "And you shall take for yourselves on the first day [...branches of palm trees]."

And the [above-quoted] Midrash connects the lulav with netzach Israel, interpreting this phrase as a reference to the victory of Israel. For when one sees a lulav in a man's right hand, one can tell that he is victorious, in the spirit of the verse, "Victory is in your right hand."

The same Midrash illustrates its meaning:

"Two men appeared before a judge, but we do not know who was
victorious. But when one of them appears holding cuttings from [lulav and hadas] trees, we know that he was victorious. Similarly, the Jewish people [and their adversaries state their claims before G‑d; when the Jewish people later appear with their lulavim in hand], we know they were victorious."

In general terms, the victory described is the victory of the G‑dly soul over the animal soul. When a man overcomes his animal soul through his divine service in Torah, mitzvos and prayer, he causes a victory Above — the conquest on a cosmic scale of the forces of evil.

And it is for the sake of this conquest that the treasure houses of heaven are thrown open.