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How to give or receive constructive criticism.
Parshat Behar
One should be extremely careful to never shame another in public. This sin is akin to murder; just as blood is spilled in the act of murder, so too when one is shamed the blood drains from his face...
What are the implications of the Torah’s cautionary remark about sensitivity towards a blind man? Personal liability is a topic that’s already been laid out in the Torah in graphic detail, so what’s the new mitzvah that G‑d is teaching us here?
"I got my way in the end," a friend of mine announced proudly. "He'll never start with me again. Aren't you happy for me?"
When Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Weinreb was a young psychologist in Silver Spring, Maryland, he faced a personal crisis and sought out sage advice.
Giving unasked-for advice appears innocent, but it sends a harsh message to the person receiving it. It sounds like: “You can’t do this.” “This challenge is bigger than you.”
When you’re down in the dumps or trapped in a negative spiral, you can’t climb out by yourself.
The best antidote for depression is serving others.
After Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb had earned his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, he was faced with a variety of decisions that would shape the course of his life. Not knowing where to turn, he decided to place a call to the Rebbe. In the end, he r...
Seeds of Wisdom
The inspiration and wisdom we seek outside of us exists within.
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