Amram |
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Amram: Grandson of Levi; husband of Jochebed; father of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. Leader of the Israelites while they were enslaved in Egypt.
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Amram, son of Kehot, led the Jewish people in Egypt and fathered three of the greatest leaders in Jewish history.
Learn about the leader of our people in Egypt, who was the father of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam.
Here is some info you might find interesting. Jocheved had the rare distinction of both entering and leaving Egypt, Seder Olam Rabba 9. and according to tradition she actually outlived her son Moses and entered the Holy Land (at the age of 250!). Amram li...
Moses Parents Levi's grandson, Amram, the son of Kehot, married Jochebed, and she bore him three children. Their first child was a girl by the name of Miriam, who was later to become a great prophetess of the Jewish people. The second child was Aaron, the...
1394 BCE
Amram and Jocheved had separated because of Pharaoh's decree that all male Jewish babies be killed. Prompted by their six-year-old daughter Miriam's rebuke ("Pharaoh decreed against the males; you decreed against the males and the females") they remarried...
Learn about the mother of Aaron, Miriam and Moses.
Question: We know about Moses. The Torah tells us about him and his adventures from the moment he is born. But what about Aaron? Where was he before his younger brother arrived from Midian and suddenly appointed him his attaché? Response: That is a great ...
A young mother shares what keeps her going, despite all the stabbings
I wake up, pray, make breakfasts and lunches. I help my children get dressed, argue with them about wearing a sweater or putting on a coat. This one needs help with her ponytail, that one needs help with his shoes. With a blessing and a kiss, I send them ...
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